Rrowr! What would life be without you? Brazen, intelligent, and not afraid to say whatever (and we mean whatever) is on your mind, when it comes to being fearless — you're the real thing. While some things that come out of your mouth may make your friends a little uncomfortable, it's fun to stir the pot sometimes and get a reaction. And that's half the reason you do it!
At first glance you come across as quite the wild child, but you're not just a sexpot. Your closest friends get to find out that you've got a big heart underneath those hot, hot clothes and a great head on your shoulders. With that killer combo, there's no way you won't get everything you want. What a firecracker!
2 comentários:
Homens cuidado:P
sua maluca, heim? Com que então a Samantha!!!
Este tb vou fazer, eu era absolutamente viciada no Sex and the City!
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